Section: Dissemination



The members of Potioc have published several popularization articles targeted to the general public:


They gave the following popularization talks:

  • "L'activité cérébrale pilote directement l'ordinateur : présentation de l'interface cerveau-ordinateur (Brain-Computer interface)", conference "Demain les objets sont connectés !", event "Semaine Digitale 2013" in Bordeaux (J. Frey)

  • Talk introducing BCI and follow-up debate around augmented human, conference "L'homme « augmenté » : notre avenir est-il « cyborg » ?", event "Nancy Renaissance 2013" in Nancy (J. Frey)

  • "Utiliser son cerveau pour contrôler une machine", Cité des sciences, Paris (F. Lotte)

  • "Le cerveau au commandes", conference as part of the "Cervorama" exhibition, Cap-Sciences, Bordeaux (F. Lotte)

  • "Interfaces Cerveau-Ordinateur et Homme Augmenté", conférence "Neurotechnologies: vers un homme augmenté?", Bordeaux (F. Lotte)


They also demonstrated their work to the general public during various events:

  • Portes ouvertes Université Bordeaux1, demonstrations de PapARt (J. Laviole)

  • Cap Sciences - expo permanente, PapARt - development (J. Laviole)

  • Cap Sciences - Évènement IHM 2013, demonstration de PapARt (J. Laviole)

  • BCI demo for highschool students following "informatique et sciences du numérique" courses (J. Frey, A. Cellard, F. Lotte)

  • BCI demo for the general public during "La nuit des chercheurs" in Talence (F. Lotte, A. Cellard)


Finally, they also participated to the following events

  • Aquitec 2013, for promoting research jobs (J. Frey)

  • Film-debate, "ExistenZ : faut-il avoir peur de la réalité virtuelle ?", University of Bordeaux 1 (J. Frey)

  • Interview for a highschool class for their video project on science (A. Cellard)

  • Participation to “visages des sciences 2013” (postcard and video interview) (A. Cellard)

  • Interview (video and paper) for the SoNews online journal (local Inria Bordeaux newspaper) (A. Cellard)